It is hard to be a foreigner. Simple things like eating fried desserts may be overwhelming.

In Poland, we celebrate Fat Thursday. It’s the last Thursday before Lent. We are not alone – Germany, Greece, and Hungary celebrate on Thursday as well (Wikipedia says so).

We eat loads of doughnuts, like these lovely ones

Polish doughnuts paczki

There are angel wings as well. They are also known as faworki, chrusty, chrusciki. You can also shape roses from this dough. Here is a recipe for the basic angel wings.


And here is another recipe with the addition of beer in the dough. Don’t worry, it’s just to add lightness to the dough.faworki -6926

There are a few other desserts you could fry on that day, but those would be the most popular ones.

In Ireland and UK, on the other hand, Shrove Tuesday is celebrated, although it’s usually called Pancake Day as it is all about pancakes.

I kind of feel more drawn into celebrating on Thursday, as I always did it, but it’s kind of lonely when nobody else knows what’s going on. I’m also only aware of one place that supposed to make decent doughnuts. It seems wrong there is only one place in whole Dublin, somebody should do something about! I would be celebrating on Tuesda when everybody eats pancakes seems to be too rebellious.  Did I mention that it’s also hard to make a batch of doughnuts on a weekday evening?

Maybe I should start celebrating on Saturday…

4 responses to “Shrove Tuesday, Fat Thursday, Pączki Day”

  1. Angie@Angie's Recipes avatar

    My mouth is watering…those jam filled doughnuts look divine!


    1. Magda avatar

      Ha ha, thank you Angie 🙂


  2. Joy @My Traveling Joys avatar

    This was my first Fat Thursday living in Poland! Interesting and sweet day! Doughnuts or paczki should only take about 3 hours if you have all the ingredients. Enjoy!


    1. Magda avatar

      Hi Joy. I hope you found some good doughnuts or at least angel wings. Fat Thursday it’s the worst day when it comes to doughnut’s quality.
      I know that doughnuts are doable within 3 hours, but I always like to have some buffer as my kitchen is not too warm, and I have only electrical hob that makes keeping temperature really hard and I was jet lagged, so I only had a million excuses 😉 In the end I made chocolate cake over the weekend, but next year I will for sure make my own doughnuts. I promise 🙂


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